Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Blog Post #5

For this post I am going to discuss some of my favorite movies of all time and how they fall in the era of the Blockbuster. As of 1977 the seventh era of movies began. This era marked the era of blockbuster movies, and also one of the greatest blockbusters of all time, Star Wars. The Star Wars Trilogy are some of my favorite movies of all time and they surely fit the roll of blockbuster.

The first Star Wars movies had truly amazing VFX for the time they came out. Im still amazed even when watching them today. Some of my other favorite movies are comic book movies. I love all the Marvel movies that have come out and I am always eager to see the new ones that come out. I deeply enjoyed Man of Steel and look forward to Batman vs Superman and the Justice League movie.

Marvel intends all of their movies to be blockbusters and have succeeded wonderfully. Especially with The Avengers and Iron Man 3. And certainly the next Age of Ultron movie will do just the same. All of these movies and the entire Blockbuster all have one ultimate goal, and that is to make money. That goal proves that just as we have learned all semester that the movie industry is a business first.

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